Tuesday, 28 February 2012

The Yangtze River


Rivers are playing pivotal roles in human lives from time immemorial. different parts of this earth have been enriched by different sets of civilizations in different times of the history. theses all civilizations sprang up along great rivers. Just like that ancient Chinese civilization emerged along the banks of Yangtze Kiang & Hwang Ho river which is also known as Yellow River. But here the priority falcrum will be on Yangtze river.
Yangtze Kiang is the longest river of Asia & 3rd longest river of the world (exceeded by both Nile & Amazon). The source of River is in the Xizang province of China (Tibetan autonomous Region) near to Tarim Basin. The river flows from west to east as a general consequent stream. It falls in the East China Sea in the east. From source to mouth its overall length is some 6,400 km, or a bit little more than that. The river is most extensive river of the world. this is the widest one; if you will stand at the bank of the river, you will be confused wheather it is a river or a sea. The river is the second deepest river of the world after the Congo River. average depth of the river ranges from 206 to 234 metre; i,e. more than 10X deeper than Ganges. Water carrying capacity of the river is 5 times than Ganges.
This river is the most important river of China followed by the Yellow river. From distant past the river influences economy, history, geography & lifestyles of China. The delta of the river is just like one of most precious resource of China because the delta of the river generates 23% of GDP of China in a year.
Yangtze river flows through arid regions of Tibet & China. In some course of the river gold traits are found with water flow, from where these traits come nobody knows. Yangtze kiang affords one of the most diversified ecosystems and one of largest biodiversified hotspots and acts as a safe residence to some of world's most endemic species and endangered species like- Chinese alligator, Yangtze sturgeon etc. basin area of the river is the residence of 38% of total population of the country. Name of the river is also spelled like Yangtse or Yangzi river. In China the river is pronunced as Chang Jiang river. The river is calm and quiet, not furious like the Yellow river, but in some areas the river are turbulent considerably.
Basically the river has been originated from several tributaries. The course of river is at the height of 5170 metre from sea level. The river flows through deep and incised valley for several hundreds of kilometres. Then the river comes at a level of height. After the tributaries join the river the river flows eastward through Qinghai. Headwaters of the river are situated at the height of 4900 metre (16000 feet). After entering into Sichuan basin it receives several mighty tributaries (some are as long as Ganges is) and gets tremendous velocity and rushes towards the East China sea at an irresistibe power.

At the north of Jiangxi province the Poyang lake, largest fresh water lake of China is found, where the mighty Yangtze merges into. River runs further through Anhui & Jiangsu province and finally reaches to East China Sea at Shanghai, in the course Yangtze receives lumpsome of freshwaters from numerous lakes. The river is so extensive and deep that large oil vessels enter the river even upto considerable distance towards inland. The river is navigable solely. Yangtze river is the busiest river route of the world, every year millions of tonne of transhipment is done through the river route. Though the river is not so much devastating, from july to september river causes massive flood to the surroundings, sometimes the flood session starts from may month. Some spectacular floods in Yangtze river was happened in 1931. 1935, 1954 & 1988. First 2 floods tool heaviest toll of lives (over 1.4 lakh individually).      

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